Monday, August 20, 2007

Why the iPhone™ is not myPhone

OK, I admit it; I am upset with Steve Jobs. Before the iPhone™ was released last month he sent complementary phones to Walt Mosberg of the Wall Street Journal and David Pogue of the New York Times so they could write reviews. Perhaps Ollie forgot to give me the package that came from Apple but I don’t think so. I guess Steve thought that a column in the Harrison Press was just not that important! Well there is always the next model, Steve.
You have to give Apple credit. When they introduce a new product they do it right or at least loudly! There was more reporting about the iPhone™ than there was about Paris Hilton’s revolving jail door. So what is all the buzz?
Well, I have to tell you I have only had about 15 minutes of “quality time” playing with an iPhone™ but that time and a review of the documentation and other reports have given me some reactions to share with you.
First, the “Cool Factor” rating is off the charts. The sleek, compact, shiny case is enough to impress both techie and artist. The touch screen and a display that senses the orientation of the phone, changing from horizontal to vertical depending how you hold the phone, is just plain cool.
The “Swiss Army Knife” concept of adding iPod, PDA and Internet browser capacity thus making the phone do much more than make calls seems to be somewhat successful. There are some shortcomings, at least in version #1. The connection to the Internet using AT&T is very slow, the battery is sealed and can not be replaced by the user, the phone will not play Flash® videos and you must use AT&T as your carrier. In some parts of the country AT&T is reported to have spotty coverage.
There is one other factor that will keep me from contributing to the value of Apple stock in the near future and that is the price. With the introductory price of the phone set at a hefty 500 bucks and a service contract with AT&T required, you will spend the better part of $3000 for the first two years.
As much as I would like to be “cool,” I think I will just save the cool cash and stay with my three-year-old Verizon phone.
Oh yes, Steve, feel free to send the complimentary updated model of the iPhone™ to the Harrison Press office and I will pick it up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack--nice post!

    Just to clear one thing up, though: Apple did not send me a comlimentary iPhone.

    Apple sent me a review sample, which must be returned after the review period. Same with every product I review, week in and week out!

